Friday 4 March 2011


Well in Penrith on work for a couple of nights so thought I'd update the blog that is poker. With predictive text on and a few pints I will expect errors throughout.
So Saturday 15 February headed up to Leeds for the Pkr meet up. It was great to see everybody again, and arrived just in time for the Omaha tournament. Started off like a dumbass trying to bluff Hokey, who doesn't fold at the best of times, but he let me off lightly playing very passive. Lasted about an hour before busting out mainly from getting bored. Although having gone up with Shep and Dan, I was rather surprised I lasted.the longest!
Having busted out early, this meant with 3 or so hours to go till the next tournament there was only one choice....Cash game!
Well played tight early on, only playing one hand I think, anyway UTG I pick up 66 and raise to £3 and get 3 callers, flop comes 6,7,8 with 2 hearts. I bet £8 and get raised by mrj120 off pkr to ~20 I then re-raise to £56 and get a call, turn completes the flush draw, which I hate but with over £100 in the pot I put my last £41 in the pot thankfully he didn't insta call so was happy np flush, but was still worried about other sets or the 9 10 straight, anyway he called with 2 pair and my set dodged his 4 outs. The rest of the hands were pretty uneventful winning a one £60ish with KK and losing another worth.the same amount with top pair v an overpair to the board.


Well as I started this post two weeks ago it's all now hazy... Anyway played the terminator tournament next with 68 players....with me getting more and more drunk, my inner aggressor came out and was 3 betting and bluffing like it was going out of fashion. It seemed to work as I took it down for £500, I don't however remember much/any of the final table from being to inebriated...although pictures show I did win it with a reasonable holding JJ!!