Wednesday 22 June 2011

Non poker update

Have realised I haven't posted a blog for a while mainly due to me being on holiday in Cyprus. We were very lucky with the weather not a cloud in the sky for the 7 days we were there until we were getting ready to go and the heavens opened, this must have been my run good for the month as poker wise it has been pretty poor, even though I'm winning at 6.5bb I feel it should be a lot more. Currently I am playing for the sake of playing due to trying to hit my highest bonus ever, which I am 92% towards doing with 2 weeks left it will be easily achievable.

Gem has been into hospital this week with an inflamed appendix. One thing that this has taught me is that I hate hospitals, so depressing and the sight of blood and needles and thoughts of people being sick made me constantly queasy. Bleaugh!

As mentioned I am close to finishing my bonus at which point I will post a graph of profit/loss for the period. Have a feeling its going to be a loss for about what I am going to get with my bonus. Playing so much and so many tables definitely affected how I played and gets me more easily tilted and when you are tilted on 8 tables  it gets even quicker to be able to lose money