Thursday 10 November 2011


So as mentioned in my last post I had taken shots playing heads up...and winning, so it makes for a funny looking graph for October. However, NL25 was a pretty bad month, again. I'm still badly in the habit of hero calling, and probably folding when I should be calling/raising something I am trying to work on this month. Talking of November have got a 30 day bonus to clear meaning I am going to have to play ~16K hands to clear it all (if I am going to do it all at NL25), which is a lot more than I normally play per month.

This weekend just gone I played only my second Master's which I bought in with PKR points so no actual buy-in and failed to cash. Was playing fairly well until I spazzed out on a hand with 88 (will post once I have found it)

Also played the Mini Deep Stack Prime time and went out in LOL fashion (again will post once I find the hand). Villain in the hand was playing very bad so when he overbets the flop I'm putting exactly what he turns over. I just think he never has a set here, well ok maybe sometimes, but I am crushing a lot more than I would be behind against this particular opponent.

***** Hand History for Game 1903238592 ***** (PKR)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, November 04, 08:03:41 ET 2011
Table  (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: karnutsEV ( $27494.00 USD )
Seat 2: inbredyeti ( $14290.00 USD )
Seat 3: nelo1227 ( $20000.00 USD )
Seat 4: matthes33 ( $19490.00 USD )
Seat 5: elflambeur ( $27672.00 USD )
Seat 6: MeneGeneOkerland ( $21440.00 USD )
Seat 7: chrissiemuir ( $25097.00 USD )
Seat 8: burnzee147 ( $17290.00 USD )
Seat 9: Pikey1991 ( $19880.00 USD )
Seat 10: Repoked ( $27748.00 USD )
elflambeur posts small blind [$30.00 USD].
MeneGeneOkerland posts big blind [$60.00 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [  Qs Qh ]
chrissiemuir folds
burnzee147 folds
Pikey1991 raises [$150.00 USD]
Repoked folds
karnutsEV folds
inbredyeti folds
nelo1227 calls [$150.00 USD]
matthes33 folds
elflambeur calls [$120.00 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$530.00 USD]
Pikey1991 calls [$440.00 USD]
nelo1227 folds
elflambeur calls [$440.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 5d, Ts ]
elflambeur bets [$6000.00 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$20850.00 USD]
Pikey1991 folds
elflambeur calls [$14850.00 USD]
elflambeur shows [Tc, Ac ]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [Qs, Qh ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ah ]
elflambeur wins $43620.00 USD from main pot

Anyway October graph below