Tuesday 18 January 2011

New Year....New Me....LOLZ

So me and my stupid mouth decided that I wasn’t going to drink for the month of January. Unfortunately I make this stupid resolution every year normally on New Years Eve when I have been off work and am relatively chilled about things, whilst forgetting January is the busiest and most stressful time of the year, doing tax returns that need to be filed by 31 January each year.

So having not gone out the 1st weekend I thought it could get easier, not helped by friends trying to get me out (I fail so massively being sober around drunk people), I finally succumbed the week after, which after about four years of trying to do it is the longest I have lasted!

Not drinking also affects my poker, as a couple take off the nervous edge of losing money. I have found myself starting games and after 20 minutes, I’m scared of losing money, which is the wrong way to be whilst playing, the only time I carry on if I lose a buyin quickly then will play until I have got it back. Again not a good way to be playing, so i need to sort my head out to get round this problem as I am trying to cut out drinking whilst at home, and just keeping it to when I go out.

I have also been going to the gym a lot more frequently, and even started using the weights instead of 100% cardio. And man I suck at them. I have to make sure no one is around when I’m using them as I’m sure the weights I use is embarrassing. But intend to keep this up throughout the year along with me not drinking as much (any cut down is an improvement!), although to be fair I kept it up last year at least 2 twice a week for the majority of the year but hoping for 3 or 4 times a week this year
Have decided to go to PKR Leeds, more for the crack than actually playing poker and am undecided whether to play a £100 buy in event with 80,000GTD at Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham next weekend. If it looks like over-laying I may well play it.

A nice hand to finish off with :D

***** Hand History for Game 1575872555 ***** (PKR)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 07, 07:21:58 ET 2011
Table Late Store (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Drsnolly ( $13.97 USD )
Seat 2: MeneGeneOkerland ( $27.95 USD )
Seat 3: XCiTe1337 ( $16.32 USD )
Seat 4: D4N1L01990 ( $25.65 USD )
Seat 5: Wolfsburger ( $15.52 USD )
Seat 6: Knipser90 ( $50.97 USD )
Wolfsburger posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
Knipser90 posts big blind [$0.25 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [  Ah Qh ]
Drsnolly calls [$0.25 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$1.10 USD]
XCiTe1337 folds
D4N1L01990 folds
Wolfsburger folds
Knipser90 folds
Drsnolly calls [$0.85 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, Kh, Jh ]
Drsnolly checks
MeneGeneOkerland checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3s ]
Drsnolly bets [$2.55 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland calls [$2.55 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 4c ]
Drsnolly bets [$3.82 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$10.70 USD]
Drsnolly calls [$6.50 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $0.38 USD
Drsnolly shows [Ts, Jc ]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [Ah, Qh ]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $26.88 USD from main pot

Sunday 2 January 2011

2010 Results

Nothing much to say on it as I didn't set any goals. Didn't quite make 100,000 hands for the year, so for the coming year that will definitely be my aim for this year. Not going to set a financial goal but something similar for 2011 will be great. On top of this I made $740 in bonuses. So total for the year was $3,400 profit :D:D

Christmas time and poker

So I haven’t updated for a while, pretty much due to only playing one day in 2 weeks, being the 29th December. However, two hands occurred that day of interest one being the most traded call by someone for the year, can he seriously think 10 high is ever good, it wasn’t even a quick mis-click

***** Hand History for Game 1565349275 ***** (PKR)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, December 29, 06:46:55 ET 2010
Table 33542673 (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: baldiamo ( $13.28 USD )
Seat 2: MeneGeneOkerland ( $23.15 USD )
Seat 3: LionL64 ( $25.94 USD )
Seat 4: Barreaface ( $9.75 USD )
Seat 5: outokorva ( $26.54 USD )
Seat 6: lmarinho21 ( $13.20 USD )
MeneGeneOkerland posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
LionL64 posts big blind [$0.25 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [Ad] [Qh]
Barreaface calls [$0.25 USD]
outokorva raises [$0.50 USD]
lmarinho21 folds
baldiamo folds
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$1.85 USD]
LionL64 folds
Barreaface folds
outokorva calls [$1.45 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [Ah],[Kd],[7c]
MeneGeneOkerland bets [$3.10 USD]
outokorva calls [$3.10 USD]
** Dealing Turn ** [4s]
MeneGeneOkerland bets [$6.00 USD]
outokorva calls [$6.00 USD]
** Dealing River ** [9c]
MeneGeneOkerland bets [$12.10 USD]
outokorva calls [$12.10 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [Ad], [Qh]
outokorva shows [8s], [Ts]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $44.46 USD from main pot

Same day I also win my biggest pot at NL25 of the year (I think)

***** Hand History for Game 1565626866 ***** (PKR)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, December 29, 10:11:48 ET 2010
Table 33536007 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: freskabollar ( $30.67 USD )
Seat 2: snupoo ( $39.35 USD )
Seat 3: Rednights ( $52.89 USD )
Seat 4: SwaggerOnZillion ( $24.90 USD )
Seat 5: MeneGeneOkerland ( $67.94 USD )
Seat 6: kraken ( $18.42 USD )
MeneGeneOkerland posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
kraken posts big blind [$0.25 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [As] [Ad]
freskabollar raises [$0.75 USD]
snupoo raises [$1.25 USD]
Rednights folds
SwaggerOnZillion raises [$3.25 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$9.00 USD]
kraken folds
freskabollar folds
snupoo calls [$7.85 USD]
SwaggerOnZillion raises [$21.65 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$58.84 USD]
snupoo calls [$30.25 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $28.59 USD
snupoo shows [4s], [4h]
SwaggerOnZillion shows [Ks], [Kh]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [As], [Ad]
** Dealing Flop ** [2c], [8h], [7c]
** Dealing Turn ** [Tc]
** Dealing River ** [7d]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $28.90 USD from main pot
MeneGeneOkerland wins $72.70 USD from main pot

Christmas has been very good having a break, only downside is eating and drinking too much has caused me to get a cold, so much so I missed all the New Years celebrations which sucked. So my New Years resolutions are to drink a lot less and not go out for the sake of going out. Also cutting out drinking at home whilst playing poker, whilst it doesn’t really affect me when I had a few, its when i get to the point of more than a few and I’m down for the evening I can’t bring myself to quit the game.

I am hoping to quit drinking during January to hopefully curb the belly growth that is occurring, so more gym no drink is the January for Champions. I am also going to play less poker live and play more online. I am still a bit under the whether so have curbed NL50 for a bit but as my roll is at $2,041, if I work it up to $2,150, my mindset will weirdly be more comfortable playing it.