Saturday 10 December 2011

Stan James hit 'n' run

The last two days I have been at the December International meeting at Cheltenham. The card on Friday was pretty meh, but it was the first time I have been to Cheltenham and been sober for the whole day (driving so no drink L). Being sober this helps my wallet somewhat.
  1.  I don’t have to spend £4.30 for every pint I consume. £4.30 for a a plastic cup!!
  2.  I keep in control of what I’m betting in that I don’t get drunken tilt when I have a loser and start doubling bets that escalate into an empty wallet nightmare.

So my day was very enjoyable a controlled £70 staked with £70 back. Breakeven at Cheltenham always feels like booking a win.

And to Saturday. On the car journey to the course I was informed by my mate Dave of a fantastic Stan James offer of having a bet in the International Hurdle up to £50 on your mobile and if your selection loses you get your money back! I was like there must be a catch that’s just giving away money and they can never win. Now, I understand the reasoning behind it, they believe if you deposit £x amount of money and you gget it back you’ll just flitter it away on something else. However, I had no intention of doing so , in fact I was already counting my free winnings on Granduet hosing up, but had a £50 fail safe if anything went wrong. Anyway at 3.11 I was duly counting my winnings and also had another £50 on course for a very nice day out at Cheltenham, beer included this time J. Also had another winner, and runs for my money in all the other races to book a nice little £205 profit. Immediately withdrew the £187.50 from my account, and Stan James also kindly sent me text congratulating me on backing Granduet, how very kind.

I played a bit of poker Thursday night knowing I didn’t have to get up for work on Thursday. Played a little bit of NL50 before the drink got to me and I ended up on the action tables....again. BUt you can’t keep a run good down.

Just running at $71.55 an hour on action tables now

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Action November

During October PKR introduced 5BB Action Tables, majority of regs hate this, and to start off with I was included in this. However, I after my initial dislike to them I thought I would give them a go. To my surprise I have enjoyed them. Especially late on when I have had enough to drink and the gamble inside me wants to play higher stakes. Choosing these action tables gives me the little buzz that I want. Then after the initial couple of wins/losses the strategy starts to change as you build up a small stack and aren’t wanting to put it all in at once and there isn’t as much pressure to do so every hand,  you can then pick your spots against people in the same scenario, or picking on the smaller stacks that have just joined. Obviously this type of poker will endure some kind of high variance but at the moment I’m riding the wave of run good.

It’s quite difficult to filter out just the action tables on HEM so had to get the data off the PKR cash game in the cashier.

This helped my November graph something dramatic and gave me my winning most month of the year. Also needing to be added to this is my $100 bonus.

MTT wise only really played the Friday Deepstack Mini Prime Time each week, the week just gone I was playing well, 4th in chips with 58 left of 1038. At the time I thought I had everyone covered on the table, however realised when the cards were flipped I was all in, covered by one person at the table, just, who has AA v my KK v another person all with QQ, so would have had huge chip lead, with just over 50 left but obviously wasn’t to be. I do like this tournament, the structure for $5 is very good and full of very bad players, so hopefully my time will come!