Saturday 10 December 2011

Stan James hit 'n' run

The last two days I have been at the December International meeting at Cheltenham. The card on Friday was pretty meh, but it was the first time I have been to Cheltenham and been sober for the whole day (driving so no drink L). Being sober this helps my wallet somewhat.
  1.  I don’t have to spend £4.30 for every pint I consume. £4.30 for a a plastic cup!!
  2.  I keep in control of what I’m betting in that I don’t get drunken tilt when I have a loser and start doubling bets that escalate into an empty wallet nightmare.

So my day was very enjoyable a controlled £70 staked with £70 back. Breakeven at Cheltenham always feels like booking a win.

And to Saturday. On the car journey to the course I was informed by my mate Dave of a fantastic Stan James offer of having a bet in the International Hurdle up to £50 on your mobile and if your selection loses you get your money back! I was like there must be a catch that’s just giving away money and they can never win. Now, I understand the reasoning behind it, they believe if you deposit £x amount of money and you gget it back you’ll just flitter it away on something else. However, I had no intention of doing so , in fact I was already counting my free winnings on Granduet hosing up, but had a £50 fail safe if anything went wrong. Anyway at 3.11 I was duly counting my winnings and also had another £50 on course for a very nice day out at Cheltenham, beer included this time J. Also had another winner, and runs for my money in all the other races to book a nice little £205 profit. Immediately withdrew the £187.50 from my account, and Stan James also kindly sent me text congratulating me on backing Granduet, how very kind.

I played a bit of poker Thursday night knowing I didn’t have to get up for work on Thursday. Played a little bit of NL50 before the drink got to me and I ended up on the action tables....again. BUt you can’t keep a run good down.

Just running at $71.55 an hour on action tables now

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Action November

During October PKR introduced 5BB Action Tables, majority of regs hate this, and to start off with I was included in this. However, I after my initial dislike to them I thought I would give them a go. To my surprise I have enjoyed them. Especially late on when I have had enough to drink and the gamble inside me wants to play higher stakes. Choosing these action tables gives me the little buzz that I want. Then after the initial couple of wins/losses the strategy starts to change as you build up a small stack and aren’t wanting to put it all in at once and there isn’t as much pressure to do so every hand,  you can then pick your spots against people in the same scenario, or picking on the smaller stacks that have just joined. Obviously this type of poker will endure some kind of high variance but at the moment I’m riding the wave of run good.

It’s quite difficult to filter out just the action tables on HEM so had to get the data off the PKR cash game in the cashier.

This helped my November graph something dramatic and gave me my winning most month of the year. Also needing to be added to this is my $100 bonus.

MTT wise only really played the Friday Deepstack Mini Prime Time each week, the week just gone I was playing well, 4th in chips with 58 left of 1038. At the time I thought I had everyone covered on the table, however realised when the cards were flipped I was all in, covered by one person at the table, just, who has AA v my KK v another person all with QQ, so would have had huge chip lead, with just over 50 left but obviously wasn’t to be. I do like this tournament, the structure for $5 is very good and full of very bad players, so hopefully my time will come!

Thursday 10 November 2011


So as mentioned in my last post I had taken shots playing heads up...and winning, so it makes for a funny looking graph for October. However, NL25 was a pretty bad month, again. I'm still badly in the habit of hero calling, and probably folding when I should be calling/raising something I am trying to work on this month. Talking of November have got a 30 day bonus to clear meaning I am going to have to play ~16K hands to clear it all (if I am going to do it all at NL25), which is a lot more than I normally play per month.

This weekend just gone I played only my second Master's which I bought in with PKR points so no actual buy-in and failed to cash. Was playing fairly well until I spazzed out on a hand with 88 (will post once I have found it)

Also played the Mini Deep Stack Prime time and went out in LOL fashion (again will post once I find the hand). Villain in the hand was playing very bad so when he overbets the flop I'm putting exactly what he turns over. I just think he never has a set here, well ok maybe sometimes, but I am crushing a lot more than I would be behind against this particular opponent.

***** Hand History for Game 1903238592 ***** (PKR)
Tourney Hand NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, November 04, 08:03:41 ET 2011
Table  (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: karnutsEV ( $27494.00 USD )
Seat 2: inbredyeti ( $14290.00 USD )
Seat 3: nelo1227 ( $20000.00 USD )
Seat 4: matthes33 ( $19490.00 USD )
Seat 5: elflambeur ( $27672.00 USD )
Seat 6: MeneGeneOkerland ( $21440.00 USD )
Seat 7: chrissiemuir ( $25097.00 USD )
Seat 8: burnzee147 ( $17290.00 USD )
Seat 9: Pikey1991 ( $19880.00 USD )
Seat 10: Repoked ( $27748.00 USD )
elflambeur posts small blind [$30.00 USD].
MeneGeneOkerland posts big blind [$60.00 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [  Qs Qh ]
chrissiemuir folds
burnzee147 folds
Pikey1991 raises [$150.00 USD]
Repoked folds
karnutsEV folds
inbredyeti folds
nelo1227 calls [$150.00 USD]
matthes33 folds
elflambeur calls [$120.00 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$530.00 USD]
Pikey1991 calls [$440.00 USD]
nelo1227 folds
elflambeur calls [$440.00 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3h, 5d, Ts ]
elflambeur bets [$6000.00 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$20850.00 USD]
Pikey1991 folds
elflambeur calls [$14850.00 USD]
elflambeur shows [Tc, Ac ]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [Qs, Qh ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jd ]
** Dealing River ** [ Ah ]
elflambeur wins $43620.00 USD from main pot

Anyway October graph below

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Catch up

Well I have posted for a while, mainly as I use it as a poker blog and well I've been playing and running badly for a while. What has got back into me is taking shots heads up at higher stakes whilst plastered drunk. Good evidence of this, is my graph for last month

At NL25 I am getting into bad habbits of making hero calls when I know more often than not I'm beat, or trying to get people to fold on flop or river when they just aren't the type of player that will ever fold a pair, but it's something I know I'm doing wrong it's just trying to plug things like this which is appearing difficult.

Going back to playing when drunk I have done it twice in the last week, with quite a funny hand....for me when I'm holding the nuts. Obviously villain can't expect me to have the only other Ace in the pack but hey I'll take it!

Table Information
Seat1:  Hero  ($186)Small Blind
Seat2:  tabletennispro  ($213.50)Dealer
Dealt to Hero

Preflop (Pot:3)
tabletennispro  RAISE    $6
Hero  RAISE    $18
tabletennispro  CALL    $12
Flop   (Pot: $39)
Hero  BET    $24
tabletennispro  CALL    $24
Turn   (Pot: $87)
Hero  CHECK    
tabletennispro  CHECK    
River   (Pot: $87)
Hero  BET    $56
tabletennispro  ALL-IN    $169.50
Hero  ALL-IN    $87
tabletennispro  RETURN    $27.50
tabletennispro  SHOWS

MeneGeneOkerland wins $371.50 USD from main pot

I won't post my October graph yet as I'm only half way through the month but hopefully I'll get the urge to post more or at least my October graph which so has gone in the right direction, due to drunken HU sessions, NOT from playing 6max NL25.

Out of poker I went to Champions Day at Ascot and got to see the mighty Frankel, possibly the best horse of a generation, great atmosphere and I will definitely look at going again next year.

Thursday 18 August 2011

Who needs to be able to play golf!

Well I may not be able to play golf but my Majors record is pretty good 3 wins from the last 7 66/1 a 28/1 and the PGA last weekend Keegan Bradley at 190/1!!!

Again, haven’t played online much played one table of NL50 last night just for a giggle whilst watching NCIS:LA which I have just got into. Currently watching like 3 episodes a night on catch up. This hand cropped up whilst playing, when I raised the river and got called I thought, bugger he’s been milking me with a straight or a better Jack…but oh no Ace high. Thank you very much!

***** Hand History for Game 1821878691 ***** (PKR)
$50.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, August 17, 10:37:37 ET 2011
Table Ginger Nuts (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: MeneGeneOkerland ( $49.75 USD )
Seat 2: IsisRock ( $98.75 USD )
Seat 3: PKRLouise ( $50.00 USD )
Seat 4: titigin71 ( $51.13 USD )
Seat 5: GiveItToMeNL ( $24.79 USD )
Seat 6: poker36 ( $31.34 USD )
IsisRock posts small blind [$0.25 USD].
PKRLouise posts big blind [$0.50 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland   
titigin71 calls [$0.50 USD]
GiveItToMeNL folds
poker36 folds
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$2.25 USD]
IsisRock folds
PKRLouise folds
titigin71 calls [$1.75 USD]
** Dealing Flop **  ,  ,  
titigin71 bets [$2.62 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland calls [$2.62 USD]
** Dealing Turn **  
titigin71 bets [$5.24 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland calls [$5.24 USD]
** Dealing River **  
titigin71 bets [$20.97 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$39.64 USD]
titigin71 calls [$18.67 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland shows  ,  
titigin71 shows  ,  
MeneGeneOkerland wins $97.25 USD from main pot

Thursday 11 August 2011


I absolutely love this meet up even if I never remember any of it, whilst I play a fair few hours online, nothing is quite the same as playing live poker, gives me a great buzz whether I’m bluffing or playing the nuts.

Although my concentration span for tournaments is something I need to improve on as I played like an idiot throughout. Drinking like an idiot was probably the main cause of this mind!

Friday night welcome game – play lots of pots, give someone a nasty beat all in pre with 93 v AK, finally going out 77 v QQ all in pre. lol. Play a bit of cash, can’t really remember much of it but had worked up a nice stack before blowing all profit. Had one spin of roulette before going home. Won that flip thankfully.

Day 2

Omaha tournament – last less than one hour. Crippled by Catweasil in like the 3rd hand and was on life support from that moment on. Sambuca’s duly start to rule the day the 1st coming in at 2.30.

£5 SNG – Bust 1st 2 or 3 players and duly bubble money, lolz

Bounty tournament - In hotel room. Asleep. Not even sure why I went back to the room. Wake up at 8.15 realising I’ve missed the start, so late reg for the casino tournament, not sure how far I got, not sure what I went out with. Went to cash tables with £70 up to about £300ish, but again, can’t remember any of the hands that got me there. Though my pair of QQs held against Catweasils gutshot wheel draw…. I think, I just know I won the hand…

The 4 entrants of "The Flower Power" tournament

On the online front after a disastrous July. August hasn’t started much better but with wedding season coming up it may well be a good time to have a break (will post graph of month and yearly later on

The final golf major is also upon us, and due to me being at Edgebaston for the England v India test at the end of round 1 I have gone for my bets pre round 1 tee off. They are as follows:

Ricky Fowler and Jason Day. These two have been ultra consistent all season, I’m just hoping one of them can kick on to get in the winners enclosure.

Martin Kaymer, not having the best year since getting to Number 1 at the end of last year but he won this last year and at 45-1 I think he is very good value.

Nick Watney – Again very consistent, and one that I normally back in the majors

Long shots Ryan Moore and Keegan Bradley. Keegan Bradley has won on the PGA tour this year so obviously has some form and worth a few of my English pounds

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Bonus Time

Have managed to clear my largest ever bonus of $225 with a week to go, which also means it was my largest amount of hands played over 50-53 days. Throughout the period I don't think I played particularly well but it didn't help running into various cooler hands everytime I played. But meh booked a small profit for the period 

I also played the mini primetime deepstack the day after I cleared the bonus and came 4th for $302 (1st paif $961) which I was pretty disappointed about as thought I could/should win it, but ran into the only other big stack on the final table when 4 left which left me crippled when I probably could have found a fold. To play for 8 hours not take it down was rather annoying, as when I entered I didn't realise it would be take that long for a $5 buy-in. As I say the structure is very good, for PKR given the hands per hour restraints it has.

June profits were quite good will post graph up later, would have been better if I hadn't had a session of flips with a couple of regs on PKR at NL25. July has since started badly as well. So will be chasing losses for some of this month :(

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Non poker update

Have realised I haven't posted a blog for a while mainly due to me being on holiday in Cyprus. We were very lucky with the weather not a cloud in the sky for the 7 days we were there until we were getting ready to go and the heavens opened, this must have been my run good for the month as poker wise it has been pretty poor, even though I'm winning at 6.5bb I feel it should be a lot more. Currently I am playing for the sake of playing due to trying to hit my highest bonus ever, which I am 92% towards doing with 2 weeks left it will be easily achievable.

Gem has been into hospital this week with an inflamed appendix. One thing that this has taught me is that I hate hospitals, so depressing and the sight of blood and needles and thoughts of people being sick made me constantly queasy. Bleaugh!

As mentioned I am close to finishing my bonus at which point I will post a graph of profit/loss for the period. Have a feeling its going to be a loss for about what I am going to get with my bonus. Playing so much and so many tables definitely affected how I played and gets me more easily tilted and when you are tilted on 8 tables  it gets even quicker to be able to lose money

Sunday 22 May 2011

Always read T&Cs

So PKR offered a 150% bonus and me being an idiot thought it worked the same as normal whereby you have to earn 275 points for each $ of deposit but no its 275 for the 150% deposit, so I am currently having to play a lot more that usual to try and get $225 of free monies.  So in 2 weeks I have played over 10,000 which I barely do in a month and it has been difficult, been running pretty bad straight flushes beating my flushes, sets beating overpairs. Somehow for the month I am up $85 and 36% through the bonus, but with me going on holiday for a week I am still going to be pressed to do this bonus, but motivation of free money is to tempting not to try!

I also played at Dusk Till Dawn this month playing The Grand Prix. I never got started, lost a fairly chunky part of my stack betting with AKs and missing my flush so after that was just waiting for a hand to get it in. That came with JJ which was up against 99, but the cheeky Finnish Scouse (lol) spiked the 9 on the flop. Good Game etc etc. He obviously had run good on his side as he won a huge pot about 20 minutes earlier his KK running into AA and AK...low and behold he spiked his one out on the flop MBN!!

Away from poker my betting has gone well this weekend with my two Newmarket Guineas flops, both taking down the Irish 2000 and 1000 Guineas. Aidan O’Brien is truely masterful at his job. Roderic O’Connor and Misty For Me looked completely different horses to what showed up at Newmarket only 3 weeks earlier.

I also took down PKR’s football tipping challenge with a grand total profit for the season of...$2.68 but profits profit I guess, it wins me $50 in Sports Bets and PKR Hoodie.

As mentioned earlier booked a holiday to Cyprus, all inclusive in Nissi Beach which I am looking forward to getting the time off. Not looking forward to hot weather and flying. Hmmm (obviously not my idea to go there!!)

Oh I’ve also turned 30...Gay!

Friday 29 April 2011


Well it’s been a good month for poker. Have played my most hands in a month for this year. Admittedly we are only in the 4th month but considering I haven’t been wanting to play much getting in over 10,000 hands is an achievement. This is by enlarge by having a couple of 5-6 hour sessions getting in over 1,500 hands each time. The start of the month was pretty brutal like within 30 mins i would drop 5 buyins and spend the rest of the night trying to get it back which worked!!

The 2nd half of the month I’ve run pretty well and have booked a nice profit for the month. Graph below

Also in April we saw an apparent dark day for poker in that UIGEA has pretty much come into force and the US are not allowed to take bets, and they took up a huge % of the market. However it doesn’t affect PKR as they never accepted US bets. What it does mean is that they are offering 150% bonuses which is obviously going to suck me into another bonus grind!!

Outside of poker there was the Grand National which Ballabriggs won, I obviously run good in the National and backed the winner for ~£400 win :D:D. Also had the Royal Wedding between Catherine and William, and I actually loved it. I don’t know what it is about a Wedding that makes me feel so overwhelmed considering my thoughts on weddings. I also love the Royal’s but that’s a blog for another day for why I do! 

For May I am likely to play Dusk Till Dawns Grand Prix with 80,000 Euros GTD for only a 50 Euro buyin. It's also the 1st Flat Classic's of the year which I hope to bink with getting hot favourite Frankel turned over.

Monday 4 April 2011

2011 So Far

As shown the main reason for the loss is my drunken Penrith session at NL400. Unfortunately it's also missing a ~$120 winning session on a friends computer


Since I set up this blog I have been finding ever more difficult to motivate myself to play poker and that continued through March. The only notable session I have had after grinding back my losses suffered in Penrith (see previous blog post) is that I lost it back getting tilted and moving up to NL$100 and losing there to. I decided to move back to NL25 for now as it just doesn’t affect me or my bankroll as much. It does mean its hard grinding my bonus as I have to play a lot more hands obviously. I kind of want to give up trying to get it but my motivation is that I have only ever failed once achieving it and that was my 2nd attempt when I didn’t know what I was doing!

Away from poker during March was the Cheltenham festival, one of my favourite times of the year. Every year I go to the opening day and every year I never have a winner on the opening day, this year was no different. It is like Groundhog Day every year.

Get train with Dan
Drink a bottle of champagne
Couple of pints in the 1st pub we come to
Walk to race course
£20 in the Supreme Novices…lose
£20 in the Arkle…lose
£40 between two horses in the handicap…lose
Ridiculous bet in the Champion Hurdle…lose
Lose the next 3 races trying to chase losses. These bets always vary considering how drunk/tilted I am. I have to say I did rain it in fairly well this year!
Almost miss/miss train home
obviously in between all this copious amounts of lager/guiness is consumed...making me care less about anything (mainly money)

This has happened to a tee every year now for the last 4 years, I should really think about changing days!

I also had a £50 match bet in the Champion Hurdle Peddlers Cross v Hurricane Fly which I obviously lost. I did however have a £20 saver on Hurricane Fly to stand this bet as the thought of giving him money depressed me to much!

I never really get involved in the betting on Wednesday and Thursday as I just watch them on my own and the Wednesday is spent nursing a hangover. However my dad had 3 winners of a lucky 15 on the Thursday to net him £1,270. MBN

However, it was my turn for luck on the Friday…spending it with my Dad and his mate in his local I got the 1st 3 of a yankee for £531. I also had £20 on Zarkandar in the Triumph Hurdle @ 7/1 which was obviously nice. Lost a little playing crash but it was only friendly money ~£10. So all in all a fairly successful Cheltenham coming out a small winner.

Should also add went on a Stag do to Edinburgh where I dropped about £290 in the Casino playing ridiculously drunk poker…they really shouldn’t let you play lol. I did make about £120 playing with the stag party so although a loss it wasn’t to bad. Especially as I was in bed by 5.30 on the Saturday due to getting immensely drunk in the space of 1 ½ hours, so I saved another £100 from not going out I guess!  

This weekend is a great betting weekend with the US Golf Masters and the Grand National…I have only had a quick look so far but will no doubt get involved in both.





Friday 4 March 2011


Well in Penrith on work for a couple of nights so thought I'd update the blog that is poker. With predictive text on and a few pints I will expect errors throughout.
So Saturday 15 February headed up to Leeds for the Pkr meet up. It was great to see everybody again, and arrived just in time for the Omaha tournament. Started off like a dumbass trying to bluff Hokey, who doesn't fold at the best of times, but he let me off lightly playing very passive. Lasted about an hour before busting out mainly from getting bored. Although having gone up with Shep and Dan, I was rather surprised I lasted.the longest!
Having busted out early, this meant with 3 or so hours to go till the next tournament there was only one choice....Cash game!
Well played tight early on, only playing one hand I think, anyway UTG I pick up 66 and raise to £3 and get 3 callers, flop comes 6,7,8 with 2 hearts. I bet £8 and get raised by mrj120 off pkr to ~20 I then re-raise to £56 and get a call, turn completes the flush draw, which I hate but with over £100 in the pot I put my last £41 in the pot thankfully he didn't insta call so was happy np flush, but was still worried about other sets or the 9 10 straight, anyway he called with 2 pair and my set dodged his 4 outs. The rest of the hands were pretty uneventful winning a one £60ish with KK and losing another worth.the same amount with top pair v an overpair to the board.


Well as I started this post two weeks ago it's all now hazy... Anyway played the terminator tournament next with 68 players....with me getting more and more drunk, my inner aggressor came out and was 3 betting and bluffing like it was going out of fashion. It seemed to work as I took it down for £500, I don't however remember much/any of the final table from being to inebriated...although pictures show I did win it with a reasonable holding JJ!!

Monday 7 February 2011

Revolution return and not much poker ramblings

I love sport, although I have to say I am much better watching it than playing it. Friday night saw the start of the Six Nations Rugby. Thought to myself to keep it interesting I would have a series top tryscorer bet, being Chris Aston, so his two tries against Wales on Friday night has given me a good start!

Saturday saw my return to Ilmington Revolution after the best part of 18 months, although I had made two late cameos as a sub in that time. As we had a bare 11, I started at left back on a very windy day, and, for the 1st half, yes the wind blowing in my direction…just what I needed after a lay off. However 2nd half was a different story not even having to break sweat…although nearly breaking into tears after an opposition free kick was blocked by me in the wall square in the plums. Anyway the end result was 2-0 to us, which should have been more given the amount of shots we had on goal.

Saturday also produced some crazy Premiership results with Arsenal being 4-0 to draw 4-4 with Newcastle. Man United losing 2-1 to bottom of the table Wolves. Chelsea losing 1-0 at home to Liverpool (Sunday). Having said that United are 5 points clear which is annoying as I don’t really think they have produced good football this season. I can only hope Arsenal close the gap or that by some miracle Chelsea do. God I hate United!

Sunday night, well Monday morning was the Superbowl. It’s the 1st time I have watched the full game, and have to say I quite enjoyed it but very tired in the office this morning! I need to get into it more as this is the only game I watch each year, so when it comes to it I’m a neutral who can’t even bet on it as I know nothing about the game!

Not enjoying the grind

I don’t feel I have played much poker yet in 2011, although I still managed to play 10,000 in January, I think mainly down to a couple of 1,500 hand sessions. February so far I have not even played 1,000 hands. At the moment, I’m not really in the mood for playing, although got 20% of my bonus to make up before the end of the month, so going to grind Wednesday to Friday this week and hopefully get the majority of that done, then I can just play as and when I feel for the rest of February.

Friday night, I found a few forumites off PKR playing full ring NL10 donking off buyins left right and centre so thought I would join the fun. 14 hands later I was down 7 buyins, lol. Then lady luck shined on me dealing QQ and holding up for a $72 pot I then won and lost a couple more and ended up with an extra $17 in my account. Pkr1princess was running over the field and was sat with $240, MBN.

Off to PKR Leeds this weekend, to play a couple of games, hopefully I can kerb my drunkenness not to hit the cash tables, as although it is a good idea at the time it is normally my wallet that hurts afterwards!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

New Year....New Me....LOLZ

So me and my stupid mouth decided that I wasn’t going to drink for the month of January. Unfortunately I make this stupid resolution every year normally on New Years Eve when I have been off work and am relatively chilled about things, whilst forgetting January is the busiest and most stressful time of the year, doing tax returns that need to be filed by 31 January each year.

So having not gone out the 1st weekend I thought it could get easier, not helped by friends trying to get me out (I fail so massively being sober around drunk people), I finally succumbed the week after, which after about four years of trying to do it is the longest I have lasted!

Not drinking also affects my poker, as a couple take off the nervous edge of losing money. I have found myself starting games and after 20 minutes, I’m scared of losing money, which is the wrong way to be whilst playing, the only time I carry on if I lose a buyin quickly then will play until I have got it back. Again not a good way to be playing, so i need to sort my head out to get round this problem as I am trying to cut out drinking whilst at home, and just keeping it to when I go out.

I have also been going to the gym a lot more frequently, and even started using the weights instead of 100% cardio. And man I suck at them. I have to make sure no one is around when I’m using them as I’m sure the weights I use is embarrassing. But intend to keep this up throughout the year along with me not drinking as much (any cut down is an improvement!), although to be fair I kept it up last year at least 2 twice a week for the majority of the year but hoping for 3 or 4 times a week this year
Have decided to go to PKR Leeds, more for the crack than actually playing poker and am undecided whether to play a £100 buy in event with 80,000GTD at Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham next weekend. If it looks like over-laying I may well play it.

A nice hand to finish off with :D

***** Hand History for Game 1575872555 ***** (PKR)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, January 07, 07:21:58 ET 2011
Table Late Store (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Seat 1: Drsnolly ( $13.97 USD )
Seat 2: MeneGeneOkerland ( $27.95 USD )
Seat 3: XCiTe1337 ( $16.32 USD )
Seat 4: D4N1L01990 ( $25.65 USD )
Seat 5: Wolfsburger ( $15.52 USD )
Seat 6: Knipser90 ( $50.97 USD )
Wolfsburger posts small blind [$0.10 USD].
Knipser90 posts big blind [$0.25 USD].
Dealt to MeneGeneOkerland [  Ah Qh ]
Drsnolly calls [$0.25 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$1.10 USD]
XCiTe1337 folds
D4N1L01990 folds
Wolfsburger folds
Knipser90 folds
Drsnolly calls [$0.85 USD]
** Dealing Flop ** [ Th, Kh, Jh ]
Drsnolly checks
MeneGeneOkerland checks
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3s ]
Drsnolly bets [$2.55 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland calls [$2.55 USD]
** Dealing River ** [ 4c ]
Drsnolly bets [$3.82 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland raises [$10.70 USD]
Drsnolly calls [$6.50 USD]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $0.38 USD
Drsnolly shows [Ts, Jc ]
MeneGeneOkerland shows [Ah, Qh ]
MeneGeneOkerland wins $26.88 USD from main pot